May 2, 2021


YIKES okay JK Rowling, put your TERF rhetoric somewhere else.

  1. Trans women are women, and yes, if you’re “threatened" by a human existing because you need to know what kind of genitals they were born with? You’re creepy.
  2. I actually *have* seen (interacted with, been bullied by) many many men who hate trans people. I don’t know where you got the impression “oNLy women" (and you dont even specify cis women) are “uncomfortable” with trans people.
  3. If we’re suddenly diving into rape, when did *you* hear of a “woman dressed as a man" doing such a thing? and when did we get on the FUCKING bathroom debate? You suck. Sexual assault is an issue for ALL of us, not just cis women.




Written by Echo

20. Trans. They/them (perferred) or he/him.

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