it’s neither Orwellian nonsense nor too far to respect people’s identities. Have you even read Orwell? It’s pretty far from teaching people how to be kind to minorities, which is literally my point. I don’t think Animal Farm was an analogy for queerness…
I don’t have the energy to unpack ALL of what you just wrote, especially since very little of it makes sense or has substance, but here we go.
- Stop obsessing over genitals, it’s literally none of your business whatsoever. As I wrote in the post you probably didn’t read, sex is complex. You were probably just thinking of external genitals, but secondary sex characteristics as well as internal organs are also part of a person’s “sex". “Treating gender as sex" is appropriate in every situation except reproductive healthcare or sexual encounters.
- “Masculine" and “feminine" are expressions of gender our culture invented: they are gender stereotypes. They are not genders nor are they identities. I have no clue what you were trying to get across with your masculine-feminine combinations. (Oh, was it your attempt at explaining gender to a trans person?)
- You do not get to decide what makes sense and is valid when it comes to gender. I am not "making the naysayers argument in reverse". Did you read the post? I feel like you just read the title and got mad.